Back Privacy Statement:

    This web site demonstrates its commitment to your privacy by agreeing to disclose its information practices in order to build users' trust and confidence in the Internet. This website promotes the use of fair information practices by agreeing to notify you of:

    1. What personally identifiable information of yours or third party personally identifiable information is collected from you through the web site
    2. The organization collecting the information
    3. How the information is used
    4. With whom the information may be shared
    5. What choices are available to you regarding collection, use and distribution of the information
    6. The kind of security procedures that are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under FarmTrade's control
    7. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.
    If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact Webmaster by e-mailing or by calling 1-877-497-2436 (option 2).

  1. All network member sites agree to abide by the same privacy policy for information generated on the network portions of their respective sites. has a strict privacy policy that precludes network participants from selling data on individual users gained through the network. Furthermore, transactional data generated on one member site is not available to other member sites.
  2. When a user (previously registered on one site) logs on to another member site for the first time, the user is updating his profile to include the second member site. This update allows for delivery, licensing and contact information to be shared with the second member site (therefore eliminating the need for duplicate data entry by the user). However, only those transactions (purchases, listings, bids, etc.) occurring on the second member site will be made visible on that second member site.
  3. The following discloses’s information gathering and dissemination practices:

    1. uses your IP address to help diagnose problems with the network.
    2. Your IP address is also used in combination with logging on to analyze site usage and server performance. Personal information is not linked to site usage analysis.
    3. uses cookies to track your transactions (while shopping) and maintain information about your activities on the network. Cookies are used to maintain information as you go from page to page within the site and do not contain personal information (passwords, e-mail addresses, home addresses, etc.), but are tied to personal information to operate our service. Due to the technology utilized to build this network, cannot operate without cookies.
    4. The network’s registration form requires users to provide contact information (user name, address, telephone number and e-mail address).
    5. The user can correct or update personal information in the Registration Information section of the User Profile page.
    6. uses customer contact information from the registration form to send the user information about and specific offers. The customer's contact information is also used to contact the customer when necessary (i.e.: for transportation or banking problems.)
    7. In order to better understand your needs, also asks you to specify if you are primarily a buyer or seller, what types of products you are interested in, and the relative size of your operation. This information helps to more precisely inform you of relevant network enhancements and is not shared with any third parties.
    8. will not release specific personal information to any third party, except as disclosed here. will release specific personal information to other member websites when so authorized by the user. will only use aggregate data to understand trends, pricing, and other broad demographic information.
    9. All information collected relating to the sale of products, licensing and registration of buyers and sellers, and customer profiles will be made available to regulatory officials in the event of an emergency or to meet legal requirements.
    10. Users may opt out of receiving future mailings about services and offers, or services and offers of network member sites. To opt out, send an email to with the words "No E-Mail" in the subject line.
    11. Financial information is used to transfer funds to and/or from the customer's account for products and services and may be provided to sellers for transactional execution purposes. Credit card data may be sent to third parties for credit verification, but is encrypted throughout the process.
    12. reserves the right to disclose your personal information as required by government or law enforcement officials. can, and you hereby authorize it to, disclose any information collected relating to the sale of products, licensing and registration of buyers and sellers, and customer profiles to law enforcement or other government officials that XSAg, in its sole discretion, believes necessary or appropriate in compliance with the law.
    13. This network may contain links to other sites. is not responsible for the privacy policies of these linked sites.
    14. network users who have received your profile update (after you have logged onto a network member site) may send e-mails containing product specials, site enhancements, or postal mail. If you wish to opt out of receiving future mailings, send an email to with the words “No E-Mail” in the subject line. Users who purchase products, place bids, etc. will receive confirmation e-mails about those activities.
    15. If changes the way it uses your personally identifiable information, it will notify you by e-mail. Should the changes not meet with your approval, you may contact to be removed from its database.
    16. As continues to develop its business, it might sell or buy assets. In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets. Also, in the unlikely event that Farmtrade LLC, its parent company, or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information may be one of the transferred assets.
    17. supports the proper use and stewardship of agricultural chemicals and verifies the status of all user licenses. If, upon verification with the state licensing agency, a license has missing or incorrect information, will update your license information on the web site to reflect the details provided by the state licensing agency. We also will make any information available to state or federal regulatory officials in the event of an emergency or regulatory requirement.

Welcome to FarmTrade!

We are excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website!  While you'll still enjoy the same great prices on all your favorite farm chemicals, we've given our site a fresh, modern look to enhance your shopping experience.