This site has been developed and extensively tested on Internet Explorer (versions 4.01
and later) and on Netscape Navigator (versions 4.6 later). We continue to test as many
operating systems as practical to assure you the most trouble-free operation.
Earlier versions of both Microsoft and Netscape browsers are unable to take
advantage of commonly-used encryption standards to protect your data, and
therefore are not supported by
If you are using older versions of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator browsers, please upgrade using the links below.
If you experience any problems using this site please contact
A cookie is a very tiny
piece of text that we're asking permission to place on your
computer's hard drive. They are very common and are used on many
sites to allow higher levels of functionality than would be
available without them. If you have told your browser to accept
cookies, which is the default setting for most browsers in use
today, then it adds the text in a small file.
Due to the technology utilized to build this site,
cannot operate without cookies and you will be unable to use this
site. So please be sure that your browser's security options are set
to allow you to accept cookies.
Cookies are harmless. A cookie's purpose is to let us keep track
of your activity during a session. This enables us to know what you
are buying and selling as you jump between the pages of this site.
This text doesn't tell us your name, your E-mail address or
any other information that you may have provided to us in the past
(e.g., registration information).